Mv Medicine

Dr Marta Antunes

Learn how to become your own doctor!

dr marta antunes

Dr Marta Antunes

Medical Doctor licensed by the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon

Specialist in Yogacikitsa – Yoga’s Intuitive Medical Science

“I am trained as a western physician (modern/conventional medicine) and I’ve dedicated about a decade of my journey practicing the arts of  yoga medicine, also commonly known as yoga therapy. 

Currently I bridge these two areas of healing wisdom in an independent practice that I call Mv Medicine which is primordially but not exclusively intuitive in nature.”


Dr Marta Antunes was born with a profound capacity to observe life in depth. As a child she was known for her contemplative nature, good socialization skills and a keen interest for diverse areas of knowledge. She enjoyed singing and playing with the mystical parts of her imagination. 

The island of her maternal ancestors has always been very nurturing for her kind spirit and wondrous fascination with Nature. Everything that had a touch of the old/antique would stimulate her sense of awe. 

She was fascinated by stories of the old days and old ways, objects that once served but no more, family clothes…

old sewing machine doctor marta antunes

Nature and healing would show up in the ways she would play – not as separate entities but as one and the same vehicle for manifestation, for alchemy. 

There were potions and different dishes, magic words and songs coming together in those creations in her grandparents’ tropical lands.

Training Days

Her passion for the old made her consider studying archaeology but somehow medical school took the frontline. 

She had a strong memory of a doctor as a being that would produce healing solely with her/his strong presence. She/he would know what was needed through profound observation, deeply caring, and a genuine willingness to be of service. 

Marta journeyed through her 7 years of medical training keeping this vision and awareness in mind. 

old cooking pot dr marta antunes
dr marta antunes mv medicine

Just at the end of her training she felt called to visit the Asian continent for the first time of many in her life. There Marta remembered other ways of practising and being medicine. She connected with different schools of thought and healing and a number of mystical traditions. 

Not all formal, indeed – and they needn’t be since observation has always been Marta’s main gateway for learning. Something had changed within her with the activation of these memories from the East.

Already back in the Old Continent and while transitioning from her medical school days into her professional life, Dr Marta Antunes was initiated into the ways of the yoga tradition. She taught and healed supported by this ancient path for about 7 years. From this experience another powerful memory was reignited: not only she intuitively knew how to teach as she was also a teacher of the ways of intuition.

dr marta antunes mv medicine

Moreover Marta remembered that sound was a powerful medicine in her, for herself and for others. She dedicated a substantial amount of hours/years offering the healing gifts of her voice in service in mental institutions as well as in spiritual gatherings.

dr marta antunes mv medicine

Personal Discovery

Dr Marta Antunes’ thirsty intellect for knowledge and wisdom called her back to Asia, this time around for formal studies. 

Very patiently she observed a great number of yoga traditions, different from the one she carried within. She travelled extensively, established friendships and family. 

She discovered that the people she came here to serve were not confined to a specific geographic community – the world was her community. 

This simple and profound realization allowed Marta to begin offering her services via the internet.

The island of her ancestors was continuously calling her back home and it was travelling with her in her heart. But life had planned some more learning gathered through experience before this cycle would come to a termination. Marta felt that there was more of her wanting to be expressed, there was possibly a healing practice wanting to be born from her. 

Something that would surpass the knowledge she had accumulated and practised via modern medicine and yoga medicine. Something that had more of her soul in it.

dr marta antunes mv medicine

The wise ones say that “When the student is ready the master will come”. Very likely Marta’s strong longing for the great – the greater version of her as a woman, as an eternal lover of the healing arts – facilitated what followed. 

While understanding and managing painful aspects of her human experience she attracted to her many powerful women that, one by one and all in very unique and loving ways… saw Marta. And a new cycle began.

These sweet teachers were the carriers of the old wisdom of the feminine, of the ways of intuition. While remembering who she really is, besides all the beautiful knowledge she had acquired during the last cycles, Dr Marta healed layers and layers of emotional pain and generational wounds. 

Establishing Mv Medicine

Marta remembered that the healing journey is very likely the journey of a lifetime, never complete, always in progress.

The retrieval of these ancient memories of the natural ways took her back home, to the island of her ancestors, where her child spirit continues to lead the way into the establishment of Marta’s Mv Medicine.

lotus flower
calm river

The awareness of the spirit world and the interconnection between all things became part of Marta’s everyday life. Emotions, dreams and spiritual gifts are now doorways into depths of being right here, right now.

All of those intuitive things that her precious child spirit knew so well from the very beginning are now and consciously powerful healing tools: detailed observation, memory, contemplation, songs, natural formulas, the ways of the heart, mutual sharing, the elements, patience, persistency.

Marta no longer practices under her medical degree and her suggestions do not replace the advice of an in-person physician.

She utters great respect and consideration for the practitioners of modern medicine as that is her main background. In her heart and in her soul she is a doctor, a healer, some would say. Her best way to put it, labels apart (she is not a great fan of them) is “As birds sing, healers heal”.

Get in Contact with Dr Marta Antunes to start your journey towards becoming your own doctor.

dr marta antunes mv medicine

Get in Contact

If you have any questions/comments or if you would like to schedule a consultation kindly send an email to


Duration: 2 hours 20 min   –  Via: voice call (online)  –  Booking:


By engaging in any of Marta’s offers you acknowledge that although she holds a medical degree she is no longer practicing under it and that these offers do not replace advice from your in-person physician.

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